
Mandi had a poem called "I Sit Here Now" published in the American Poetry Annual 1996 put out by the Amherst Society. In 2015, she also wrote a poem titled "A Reflection of Imperfection" that was read in a short film called "London Reflects" written and directed by Jokin Pascual & Javier Dampierre which was featured in numerous international film festivals. She also has a poem in Just About Sundown, a Halloween collection of short stories. Most recently, she received honorable mention in the Stories That Need to Be Told 2023 contest as well as publication in the annual anthology. Melba Toast Butterfly: A Poem a Day for a Year is her debut poetry/art collection.


Poetry Packs include one print of a NEVER BEFORE RELEASED poem and a NEVER BEFORE RELEASED drawing. There is also ONE Deluxe Poetry Pack which includes everything in the Poetry Pack PLUS one extra print of a NEVER BEFORE RELEASED drawing. These are extremely limited and once they're gone, they're GONE!!!