Mandi "Monster" Hidalgo
We're nearing the end of 2024, so I figured an update was in order for anyone who might give a crap.
I will not lie... 2024 has been indelible in its sorrow, anguish, elation, and delight, all in equal measure. I lost both of my kitties (in January at the age of 19 and August at the age of 13, respectively) which was the single most excruciating thing I've ever had to experience. I also got to escape from life for a while and see some amazing things that I honestly never thought that I would see. I got to reconnect with friends and family, and I also had to cut ties with other friends and family.
In short (a bit late for that, huh?), 2024 has been one of the wildest roller coaster rides I've ever experienced, and as such, all efforts that I was putting towards my second book ceased. I never stopped writing... I just quit working on a book. And in that time away from it, my concept for my second book has shifted and changed a bit, so I'm pondering all that, and figuring out exactly what I really want my second book to be.
Rest assured, a second book is coming, and I am alive and well(ish). I have adopted a new kitty. Her shelter name was Silverberry, but I have called her Shelley Sparks - both in honor of Mary Shelley, and a nod to the word "tortoiseshell" as she is a tortie baby (I have a real weakness for torties). We are very, VERY happy together, and it does my heart good to see cat toys strewn about and cat furniture everywhere (and I do mean everywhere).
I hope you all are doing well, I hope your holidays (whatever/however you celebrate) will be/are/were amazing and magical in every sense of the word... and also safe! Thank you for sticking with me if you're still reading this. 💚
Who am I?
I suppose my artistic journey began early in my childhood. Born with a vivid imagination and a creative mind, I started dreaming and drawing as soon as I could hold a pencil. However, my true strength and passion would be found at the age of nine when I discovered my love of poetry. With roots in Shel Silverstein and Dr. Seuss, and my earliest branch of Edgar Allan Poe, I started building my poet-tree, and toying with the wonderful medium of wordplay. I've been a wordsmith ever since. I also love to draw, play music, and have been known on occasion to dabble in amateur modeling and/or photography. Welcome to the inner workings of my mind. Enjoy your visit!